Mary Jo Kirisits, Lynne Prost, Melissa Starkey, Matthew R. Parsek, 2005
Characterization of Colony Morphology Variants Isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms, DJVU-файл, 218 Кб
1) Strains and plasmids used in this study, DJVU-файл, 12 Кб
2) Differential gene expression in selected genes in ST (MJK3, MJK22, and MJK123) compared to WT (PAO1), DJVU-файл, 11 Кб
продолжение, DJVU-файл, 10 Кб
3) Biofilm adhesion and twitching motility of ST CF isolates, DJVU-файл, 4 Кб